How does an IVA affect my current phone contract and is it better to deal with the banks directly?

How does an IVA affect my current phone contract and is it better to deal with the banks directly?

Question by Warren: How does an IVA affect my current phone contract and is it better to deal with the banks directly?
Considering going down the IVA route, just a couple of questions; does having an IVA cancel my phone contract? is it better to arrange individual plans with the banks themselves? and will this affect my partner if we have nothing in joint names?

Best answer:

Answer by Uncommon Sense
It doesn’t affect a contract.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Lily B Talus


August 19, 2012 at 9:49 am

Have a look on the Consumer Credit Counselling Service site..(…they have all the details about I.V.A. s etc….your contract will still run , but you may not be left with enough money to pay it if you take out an I.V.A….they have free debt solutions and advice on there and are really helpful.