debt, what happens to your credit rating when writing to your creditors asking for a 6 month payment break?

debt, what happens to your credit rating when writing to your creditors asking for a 6 month payment break?

Question by c j: debt, what happens to your credit rating when writing to your creditors asking for a 6 month payment break?
Having had a few home emergencies, car going majorly faulty, boiler breaking down. I have had to take out extra loans. But am struggling to make the payments and am going further into my overdraft. Just wondering if anyone has done this as advised by citizens advice.

Best answer:

Answer by soulsense1
You could ask them for a payment break although they are likely not to agree (depends on size of debt). If you offer to make reduced payments or for them to freeze the interest on any loans for a periods of time they are more likely to agree and not lodge defaults on your credit file. These are Voluntary Arrangements.

You will get the best advice from the CCCS (Consumer Credit Counselling Service) they are completely impartial, you also get a personal adviser who will calculate what you can afford to pay and suggest what you approach your creditors with… and the service is free as they are a UK charity.

Good luck, I hope you get things sorted out.

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